When you purchase a hairpiece or wig, it is imperative to make a comparison of the disadvantages and advantages of both processed and virgin hair. Therefore, it is easy for you to see which kind of wig will be best for you.
Both processed and unprocessed hair has their advantages - human hair vietnam
Processed hair refers to hair that has been chemically treated during production to make it appear a certain way. Prior to being styled, processed hair is soaked in a highly acidic bath to strip it of its cuticles and basically emit all of the natural characteristics of the strands.
This has disadvantages and advantages. The main advantage of treating hair is the fact that once the cuticles have been removed the natural hair could be colored and treated in any way to look however you want it to. Processed hair is usually coated in silicon after processing to and boost the shine and replenish the appearance . The disadvantages of processed hair are quite various. Not only has the hair been under an enough amount of strain before it has even been made, but the life span of the Wig is significantly affected. Processed hair become dry, straggly and brittle much earlier than alternative hair pieces because it has been subject such strong chemical exposure.
What do you like unprocessed hair or processed hair - remy hair extensions
To the contrary, unprocessed hair has not been chemically treated, it means the cuticles of the strands are entirely intact. To draw a comparison to hair that has been styled and dyed already, the unprocessed hairs and hair pieces are natural. However, they are also much stronger than hair that is partially damaged. This is the principal advantage of unprocessed hair but there are many benefits. In order to make a comparison between the two, one of the advantages is that it could be styled using heat tools such as curling irons or hair straighteners with little damage. The main disadvantage of unprocessed hair may be its price. Nevertheless, it might be worth buying a more costly hair piece, because in the long run it will save you money because of its long lifespan and increased condition.
Tag: mic hair
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